Category: Press Releases
Chairman Gleason Releases Statement On The Signing Of The Pennsylvania Budget
HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the Pennsylvania budget signed by Governor Ed Rendell: “The budget that was signed by Governor Ed […]
Joe Sestak Issues Two Whoppers In 24 Hours – Sets A New Record
Toomey For Senate ALLENTOWN — Congressman Joe Sestak has set a new record, issuing two whoppers in a twenty- four hour period, both about his own record and about Pat […]
Joe “SaysTax” Begins His “Bigger Government, Smaller Businesses” Tour
HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding Congressman Joe Sestak’s small business tour. “It’s kind of ironic that Joe Sestak is trying to […]
Chairman Gleason Releases Statement Commemorating The Fourth Of July
HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement celebrating the Fourth of July. “Today, Americans unite to celebrate the creation of the greatest nation in […]
Democrats Still Refuse To ‘Spill The Beans’ On Job-Gate
HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding U.S. House Judiciary Committee Democrats’ decision to oppose a Resolution of Inquiry regarding the White House’s […]
Chairman Gleason Files ‘Right-To-Know’ Request, Wants To Know Gov. Rendell’s Role In ‘Job-Gate’
HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the right-to-know request he sent to Governor Ed Rendell’s office calling on them to release any […]
President Obama Making Rahm Proud, Refuses To Let Gulf Coast Oil Crisis Go To Waste
HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement in reaction to President Obama’s address tonight: “Like Rahm Emanuel infamously said, ‘You never let a serious […]
PA GOP Stands United Behind Statewide Nominees At Summer Meeting
HARRISBURG — The Republican Party of Pennsylvania stands united in its support for U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey, gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett, and Lieutenant Governor candidate Jim Cawley during its […]
PA GOP Unveils New Headquarters, The Shaner Republican Center
HARRISBURG — Today, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania officially unveiled its newly renovated headquarters, The Shaner Republican Center. Named in honor of Lance and Matt Shaner and family of State […]