As Congressman Lloyd Smucker and PA-11 Democrat nominee—and alleged election code violator—Jess King prepare to debate tonight, Jess King was seen this weekend campaigning with a candidate running as an endorsed socialists.
In a picture taken this weekend with DSA candidate Elizabeth Fiedler, where Fiedler seemed to endorse King’s candidacy, it’s clear the two share the same policy positions.
Even more to the socialist leanings of Jess King, earlier this year the Republican Party of Pennsylvania sent her a questionnaire asking if she supports DSA policies like ending Medicare as we know it and replacing it with a nationalized, government-run single-payer health care model and government-run higher education.
To date, King has yet to disavow policies that would cost average American households $24,000 in year-over-year tax increase for a ten-year period and insert government into the lives of Pennsylvanians in a way never contemplated by this country’s founders
In response, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Jason Gottesman, made the following statement:
“By campaigning with socialists, Jess King is also standing by their policies that would result in a massive redistribution of income and increasing taxes on hardworking families to the total tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“If elected to Congress, it is clear that Jess King would join the socialist, obstructionist left that will do nothing but rollback the economic gains made under Republican leadership and do everything they can to disrupt the rule of law.”