The truth behind Bob Casey’s ‘pro-life’ stand
By Jennifer Haberkorn
July 2, 2018
“Sen. Bob Casey calls himself a pro-life Democrat. But his voting record paints a different picture.
After a decade in the Senate, Casey has become an increasingly reliable vote in support of abortion rights — scoring as high as 100 percent on NARAL Pro-Choice America’s vote tally in 2016 and 2017. Anti-abortion groups insist he’s no champion of their cause — and view him as unlikely to support President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, whose confirmation will be a proxy battle on the future of Roe v. Wade.
All of which may complicate Casey’s reelection battle, forcing him to defend his voting record in heavily Catholic Pennsylvania as he attempts to hold off a challenge from GOP Rep. Lou Barletta.”
Wolf, Fetterman Spend Weekend Trying To Scurry Away From Their Liberal Records
July 2, 2018
“Tom Wolf can try to click his heels all he wants, but he still enacted a $1 billion dollar tax increase, pushed for billions more hikes and would have been successful in sucking Pennsylvanians dry if Scott wasn’t there to stop him,’” said Wagner for Governor campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo.
“‘And any effort John Fetterman goes through to try to reassure voters he won’t try to ban fracking is deceptive politics at its worst. It’s clear that the Wolf-Fetterman ticket knows that their only chance to win in November is to insult the intelligence of the people of Pennsylvania by pretending their positions are the opposite of the failed and out of touch liberal policies they have always stood for.”