Wolf Crosses The Line In Attacking Veterans’ Service

HARRISBURG — Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the Wolf campaign’s blatant attack on Governor Corbett’s National Guard service.

“Today, Tom Wolf’s campaign crossed the line by mocking Tom Corbett’s National Guard service,” Gleason said. “As a veteran, I am appalled that Tom Wolf would be so desperate and stoop so low as to push his campaign to attack a Governor who served in the Guard from 1971-1984.

“The Governor’s office holds the title as Commander-in-Chief of the Pennsylvania National Guard and the 19,000 members of the Pennsylvania National Guard and the 950,000 Pennsylvania veterans deserve better than cheap shots that disparage their service.

“Tom Wolf should be ashamed.”

Today, a spokesman for Tom Wolf’s Campaign for a Fresh Start attacked Governor Corbett’s National Guard service, saying, “[Governor Tom Corbett] joined the National Guard to avoid going to Vietnam.” (James O’Toole, “Selective service, selective facts,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 10/7/2014)
