HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding news of another coal mine shutdown due to the Democrats’ War on Coal.
“How many coal workers have to lose their jobs before President Obama and Tom Wolf are satisfied?” Gleason asked. “Once again, Pennsylvanians see the news that their jobs are gone thanks to President Obama and his far-left agenda.
“Tom Wolf wants to bring job-crushing cap-and-trade policies to Pennsylvania. While Governor Corbett fights for coal jobs, Tom Wolf talks about coal will become ‘a thing of the past.’ Tom Corbett won’t stop fighting for coal jobs, and neither will the Republican Party.
“It’s time for President Obama and Tom Wolf to start realizing that their shared ultra-liberal agenda is costing Pennsylvanians their jobs.”
Today, Alpha Natural Resources announced their Emerald Mine in Waynesboro was closing, costing 500 coal workers their jobs. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the company’s spokesman cited “restrictive federal Environmental Protection Agency regulations” as a cause for the closure. (Pete Zapadka, “Coal mine closing to slash 500 jobs in Greene County,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 8/8/2014)
At an event sponsored by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Tom Wolf stated, “One day, the carbon-based energy system that we rely on now will be a thing of the past.” (Tom Wolf Comments, Pennsylvania Environmental Council, 6/13/2014)