PA GOP Releases Statement On Whitewood V. Wolf Decision

HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding today’s decision in Whitewood v. Wolf.

“Today, an activist judiciary has substituted its judgment in place of the law created by the elected representatives of Pennsylvania and has stifled the ongoing debate of people with differing points of view,” Gleason said. “The questions that face our commonwealth are best aired in the legislature with the representatives of the people. This complete disregard of the important roles held by each branch of government is just another reason why we need to elect principled people to office to uphold our Constitution.

“Grassroots activists came together in 2012 to debate and form our Republican Party Platform which clearly supports the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

“We believe all Pennsylvanians deserve dignity and respect regardless of their beliefs on this issue. However, the citizens of the Commonwealth also deserved to be participants in the ongoing discussion rather than be dictated to by judicial fiat.”
