Pittsburgh Tribune Review
It sounds cliched, but it is a truism: America is at a crossroads. It can continue down the path of Leviathan government and an increasing dependence on it, or America can return to the path of limited government and the kind of prosperity-producing independence on which the Founders based this great republic.
The choice is yours. Our choice is the latter. And that’s why we enthusiastically endorse Republican Mitt Romney for president of the United States.
He’s an exceptionally good and decent man who is a proven leader, administrator and deft politician.
Four years ago, we warned of the dangers of a Barack Obama presidency. We predicted everything from his economic policy of unprecedented and recovery-retarding taxing and spending to a weak foreign policy of deferentialism that has endangered America and invited aggression.
What we could not have predicted, however, was how scandal-ridden Mr. Obama’s administration would be.
There’s the prevaricating attorney general who, promoting the rule of lawlessness, was found in contempt of Congress (think of the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal). There are the executive orders that exceeded presidential authority (think of the broad amnesty for illegal aliens). And then there’s the rank abuse of the government pulpit for political ends (think of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ unpunished violations of the Hatch Act), among other unsavory behavior.
And while President Obama argues that it is imprudent to change horses in midstream, that he is deserving of four more years to complete his agenda, the American people know you can’t reach the opposite bank on a drowning horse.
Mitt Romney, on the other hand, has excelled in service private and public, showing great mastery in keeping the steed steady and in some quite unfriendly and even treacherous waters.
He helped restructure numerous companies and saved many jobs as the head of Bain Capital.
Using his considerable financial acumen, organizational skills and persuasive verve, he rescued the scandal-plagued 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
And he showed great political adroitness in working with a Democrat legislature as governor of Massachusetts for the betterment of all Bay State residents.
Mitt Romney offers a seasoned, strategic and mature public policy mind so sorely needed in the White House and so necessary to enable our great nation and its people to excel.
It’s time to begin restoring America. It’s time to elect Mitt Romney as president of the United States.