HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the government-run health care bill that was forced down the throats of the American people:
“Today’s vote will go down as a sad day in American history as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic colleagues rammed through their government-run health care bill,” Gleason said. “We have witnessed the passage of an awful piece of legislation that will raise taxes, kill jobs and drive a government-sized wedge between patients and their doctors.
“This bill does not address the health care needs of Americans. Rather than creating an environment where Democrats and Republicans could have an open and vigorous discussion about real solutions to improve our current health care system, Democratic Party leaders closed off debate and pushed through this bad piece of legislation as they hurried to meet their latest self-imposed deadline.
“We look forward to the opportunity to hold Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey as well as the entire Pennsylvania Democratic Congressional Delegation, Congressmen Joe Sestak, Chris Carney, Paul Kanjorski, Kathy Dahlkemper, Patrick Murphy, Tim Holden, Jason Altmire, Allyson Schwartz, Mike Doyle, Chaka Fattah and Bob Brady, accountable for choosing President Obama and their Democratic Party bosses over the needs and concerns of their constituents.
“While many Democrats will see today’s vote as the end of this debate, Republicans see this as just the beginning of a long conversation we are going to continue having with voters all the way to Election Day. I will not let a day go by without reminding voters about this horrible bill and the Democratic Congressmen who supported it!”