In a piece in today’s Washington Examiner, Salena Zito took a deep dive into how the Chairman Val DiGiorgio and the Republican Party of Pennsylvania are moving ahead from he 2018 election and eyeing 2019 and 2020 campaigns.
In her column, Zito paints a picture of a resurgent state Republican Party and a Chairman actively on the road rethinking the way politics is done in Pennsylvania.
Here are some highlights from the Zito’s column:
While it’s important to remember where they lost and why, DiGiorgio says he doesn’t want to get caught up in the rearview mirror. His focus is tackling the problems head on, which begins with listing them bluntly: fundraising, the suburbs, and party division.
“In a state where we’re outnumbered in registrations by 800,000 … if we’re not united, we’re not going to win,” he said.
“Our biggest challenge right now is the suburbs. Because we’re doing so well everywhere else in the state. The question is how do you get back ‘burb voters? Well the road map is to show suburban voters, especially suburban women, that we care and we have an agenda that helps their lives and communities. We don’t do a good job of speaking with one voice,” he said.
DiGiorgio is in constant contact with the Trump campaign. They all know Trump has to win Pennsylvania to win; If he’s winning Pennsylvania, then Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida are already in Trump’s pocket.
“We’re gearing up for 2020 already,” he said confidently.
“We’re going to rethink the way we do politics. We’re going to rely on data. We’re going to raise money, get our message out. Every time you start answering the naysayers it just takes you off of your game,” [DiGiorgio] said.
“We’re not going to get off of our game.”
The full article can be read HERE.