ICYMI: “Pa. GOP chair blasts Central HS teacher for ‘liberal indoctrination’”

This week, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Val DiGiorgio made significant headlines in the fight against liberal indoctrination in our public schools by publicly expressing concerns about a Philadelphia School District Central High School teacher spreading lies about Republicans while in the workplace.

Here is Chairman DiGiorgio’s statement on the matter, which also includes a link to the letter he sent to Philadelphia School District Superintendent Dr. William Hite:



In addition, Chairman DiGiorgio was featured in three Philadelphia-area news stories on the matter:

The Philadelphia Inquirer

KYW News Radio 1060

NBC10 Philadelphia

Chairman DiGiorgio was also featured on 1210 WPHT’s Dom Giordano Program, where the subject–along with the 2018 midterm election–was heavily discussed.

You can listen to that interview HERE.
