Monday, former President Barack Obama announced his second slate of endorsements.
Among other liberal candidate endorsements in Pennsylvania, Obama specifically endorsed:
- PA-01 Congressional candidate Scott Wallace, who recently called for a 50 percent marginal tax rate;
- Congressman Matt Cartwright, running in the 8th Congressional District, who is a leader in the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which counts as its members socialist Bernie Sanders and Maxine Waters;
- SD-26 State Senate Candidate Tim Kearney, who is Mayor of a city that is home to a so-called “sanctuary” college campus;
- HD-165 candidate Jennifer O’Mara, who is funded by national progressive interests while also campaigning with socialists; and
- HD-168 candidate Kristen Seale, an avowed socialist who has advocated for revolution to “bring the capitalist system to its knees.”
In response, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Jason Gottesman, made the following statement:
“Openly endorsing socialist candidates that want to insert government into the lives of individuals in some of the most intrusive ways possible, and others who wish to open our borders and raise taxes on hardworking Americans to extreme levels, shows just how out of touch Barack Obama is.
“Barack Obama’s endorsements do little to move the needle other than drawing attention to the extreme socialist left and the danger posed by their positions.
“By endorsing these candidates, Barack Obama is showing his interest is not in helping to move the country forward, but in electing candidates that will continue to obstruct a pro-growth agenda.”