***FACT CHECK: Tom Wolf’s Budget*** Tom Wolf And Obamacare

Obamacare has 21 tax increases, and raises taxes by more than $1 trillion. (“Obamacare Tax Increases Will Impact Us All,” Tax Foundation, 3/5/2013, Accessed 5/20/2014)

Tom Wolf supports Obamacare, and says that it’s “a step in the right direction.” (Ed Mahon, “A look at five things Tom Wolf wants to do if he’s elected governor,” York Daily Record, 3/29/2014)

Tom Wolf believes that Pennsylvania should move towards a single payer system. 

Tom Wolf placed Ted Dallas as Secretary of Human Services. Secretary Dallas was in charge of Maryland’s disastrous attempt at creating a state exchange, wasting over $261 million of taxpayer money. (Erin Cox, “Costs rising for state health exchange, which is still ‘not functional,’” The Baltimore Sun, 2/10/2014)
