Tom Wolf wants to impose a state cap-and-tax on Pennsylvania. During his campaign, Tom Wolf pledged to enter Pennsylvania into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. (“Climate Change,” Tom Wolf For Governor, Accessed 5/20/2014)
- The Washington Post says Wolf’s plan is just another tax increase:
- “Ultimately, RGGI might best be thought of less as a solution to climate change and more of a revenue-raiser for the Northeast.” (Brad Plumer, “Cap-and-trade is still alive in New England. Is it working?,” Washington Post, 2/9/2013)
Wolf Has Not Spoken Out Against President Obama’s EPA Emissions Regulations. “Wolf has qualified his support for the Environmental Protection Agency standards, saying the new rules must be applied fairly, allow for adjustments and create economic opportunities.” (“Where Wolf And Corbett Stand On The Issues,” The Associated Press, 10/18/14)
- The proposed federal cap-and-tax plan would cost Pennsylvania nearly 47,000 jobs, and increase energy costs for a family of four by $1,500 a year. (Conn Carroll, “How Waxman-Markey Will Affect Your State,” Heritage Foundation, 8/12/09), (“The Economic Impact of Waxman-Markey,” Heritage Foundation, 5/13/2009)
- “The Costs Would Inevitably Be Passed On To All Consumers In The Form Of Higher Prices” “Once the government creates a scarce new commodity—in this case the right to emit carbon—and then mandates that businesses buy it, the costs would inevitably be passed on to all consumers in the form of higher prices.” (Editorial, “Who Pays for Cap and Trade?,” Wall Street Journal, 3/9/2009)
Wolf: “One Day” Coal Energy “Will Be A Thing Of The Past” At an event sponsored by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council last month, Tom Wolf stated, “One day, the carbon-based energy system that we rely on now will be a thing of the past.” (Tom Wolf Comments, Pennsylvania Environmental Council, 6/13/2014)
- Pennsylvania Is The 4th Largest Coal Producer In The Nation. (U.S. Energy Information Administration,, Accessed 6/16/14)