HARRISBURG — In advance of President Barack Obama’s visit to Pennsylvania this weekend, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania has announced the release of its newest radio ad entitled “Running Mates.”
“A vote for Tom Wolf is a vote for the Obama agenda,” PA GOP Chairman Gleason said. “Tom Wolf was a major financial backer of President Obama’s campaign, and now he wants to bring the Obama agenda of higher taxes, bigger government and more Obamacare to Pennsylvania.
“At a time when Governor Tom Corbett’s policies have created more than 180,000 new private sector jobs and lowered our unemployment rate from 8.1% to 5.7%, Pennsylvanians simply cannot afford to let Tom Wolf impose the Obama agenda on our Commonwealth.”
A transcript of the new radio ad is below:
Narrator: Did you know Barack Obama is running for Governor of Pennsylvania?
The name on the ballot may say Tom Wolf, but make no mistake: Voting for Wolf is the same as voting to make Obama our next Governor.
Consider this: Just like Obama, Wolf’s a liberal. [1]
Like Obama, Wolf has never met a tax increase he didn’t like. [2]
And Wolf’s not just a maxed-out financial donor to Obama. [3]
Wolf also supported disastrous Obamacare.
And now Obama is coming to Philadelphia to personally campaign for Wolf because he knows Wolf will blindly support his radical agenda. [4]
Want proof?
Just listen to what Michelle Obama said:
First Lady Michelle Obama: “If we truly want to finish what we started, then we need to elect Tom Wolf as Governor of Pennsylvania.” [5]
Narrator: Voting for Tom Wolf would be just like voting to make Obama Pennsylvania’s Governor.
Paid for by the Republican Party of Pennsylvania.
[1] York Daily Record, 10/24/14
[2] Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 8/9/14
[3] FEC Campaign Finance Reports — Tom Wolf was a max donor to Barack Obama in 2008
[4] Associated Press, 10/24/14
[5] Clip from Tom Wolf rally, 10/17/14