HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding Tom Wolf’s fundraiser tonight with Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley.
“Tonight, Tom Wolf is hosting a campaign fundraiser with a man who is taxing the rain,” Gleason said. “Martin O’Malley and Tom Wolf share a love of raising taxes. While Tom Wolf wants to raise our income taxes, Martin O’Malley has instituted more than 80 new taxes, including a tax on rainfall. Does Tom Wolf support a ‘rain tax’ as well?”
“As if that was bad enough, Maryland’s state-run Obamacare exchange is an expensive disaster, but that example hasn’t stopped Tom Wolf from pledging to bring a similar exchange to Pennsylvania. Tom Wolf believes Obamacare is ‘a step in the right direction,’ even after it raised taxes, killed jobs, and caused premiums to skyrocket.
“From his crushing new taxes to his $261 million Obamacare disaster, Martin O’Malley’s administration should serve as a warning sign to Tom Wolf about the dangers of his current tax-and-spend agenda.”
Last year, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed a law that taxes citizens based on “‘impervious surfaces,’ anything that prevents rain water from seeping into the earth (roofs, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc.) thereby causing stormwater run off.” (Blair Lee, “The ‘Rain Tax’,” Gazette.Net, 4/5/2013)
After deciding to scrap its healthcare exchange, the overall cost of the state’s failed ObamaCare exchange stands at $261 million. (Erin Cox, “Costs rising for state health exchange, which is still ‘not functional’,” Baltimore Sun, 2/10/2014)