Kathleen Kane (Might Be) Available for Interviews
HARRISBURG — The Republican Party of Pennsylvania released the following advisory highlighting Kathleen Kane’s media availability (or lack thereof). Attorney General Kathleen Kane will be available for interviews. She will review each request. Like any case that reaches her desk, your call may or may not be returned depending on her personal feelings about you or your station. Please keep in mind that if you are a reporter for a Pennsylvania newspaper, it is highly unlikely that Kathleen Kane will accommodate your request at this time, as she is quite busy elevating her political profile with the likes of the Washington Post and Marie Claire.
Also, please keep in mind that questions on the constitutionality of voter ID are allowed. Ms. Kane and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party are at odds on this issue.
Kathleen Kane Media Availability
*NOTE* requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please tell us your questions ahead of time so she can pick and choose which ones to answer.
Democratic Attorney General Kathleen Kane
For national reporters, especially those that will elevate her national profile, requests will be accommodated ASAP. If you are in the Harrisburg newsroom, your request will be put in a queue. If she cannot answer your questions over the phone, please submit them in writing so that a member of her team can have ample time to review and respond to them.
Kathleen Kane shows her hypocrisy in putting her personal politics above her job and she needs to answer about this video: http://bit.ly/123AWMI