Somerset Daily American
While work to restore Pennsylvania — and Somerset County — from recovery to economic prosperity is well underway, there is much more to be done, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley told county Republicans Thursday.
Cawley was the keynote speaker at the Somerset County Republican Spring Banquet in Berlin.
While introducing Cawley, state Rep. Carl Walker Metzgarsaid he’d taken the lieutenant governor all over Somerset County on Thursday, and he truly understands the district is about “God, guns and keeping taxes low.”
Cawley took it one step further.
“It seems to me there is one more thing — God, guns, low taxes and thanks to our good friend (U.S. Rep.) Bill Shuster for Route 219 as well,” Cawley said to laughter.
While praising Shuster for his work to complete Route 219 through Somerset County, the state’s No. 2 in command hit on common Republican themes: less intrusive government, no tax increases, fiscal responsibility and private sector growth. He also stressed the importance of elections, even in an “off year” election like 2013.
“If your name is on the ballot, there is no such thing as an ‘off year,’” Cawley said. “It does matter who your county row officers are. It does matter who your township supervisors are, who your mayor is, who your school board members are. These are the people who most directly affect your life. The next school board member may be your next state representative.”
Cawley praised the leadership of Gov. Tom Corbett for retiring a $4.2 billion deficit without raising taxes, restoring fiscal responsibility to Harrisburg, investing in roadways, bridges and other infrastructure and working to privatize the state’s liquor industry.
“We were going to restore fiscal responsibility to Harrisburg,” Cawley said of when he and Corbett first took office. “The time of mortgaging our children’s children’s children’s futures would come to an end. And they are. But as I’ve said, the work is not done. If we keep the faith and continue to work, we can move away from this time of recovery in our state to a time of growth and prosperity.”
Cawley said it has been nearly 80 years since the repeal of Prohibition, but little else has changed in Pennsylvania. He said it is time to end “the schizophrenic” responsibilities of the state Liquor Control Board, which both sells and regulates wine and liquor sales in the state. It is time for privatization, he said.
“And allow the private sector to do what it does best: create family sustaining jobs,” Cawley said.
In an interview after his speech, Cawley said there were recurring themes during his tour of the county Thursday: keep taxes low, make sure Route 219 is completed, protect gun owners’ rights and get state agencies to work with farmers to help them prosper.
“Carl (Metzgar) gave me a great opportunity to meet a great cross section of people across the county,” Cawley said of his visit, which included coal mines and cow pastures.
Also speaking Thursday was Vic Stabile, candidate for the Pennsylvania Superior Court. He touted his 30 years of legal experience, having served as deputy Pennsylvania attorney general, and his endorsements by the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the state Republican Party.
“I try to explain how this court has statewide jurisdiction,” Stabile said in an interview. “Every time it decides a case, it really affects everyone in Pennsylvania.”
Stabile vowed to uphold the law and U.S. Constitution, and never “legislate from the bench.”
“I will assure everyone gets equal representation under the law,” Stabile said. “This is a position that absolutely cannot be political.”
Somerset County Republican Party Chairman James T. Yoder praised the host committee and volunteers who made Thursday’s party banquet a success.
“I’m really proud tonight to have such a large crowd,” Yoder said. “This is one of the largest we’ve had in years. We sold 285 tickets for this evening.”
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