Kane Puts Politics Before People, Refuses to Answer Questions
HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Executive Director Mike Barley released the following statement on Kathleen Kane’s decision to withhold additional funding from Pennsylvania’s seniors:
“Kathleen Kane’s blatantly political decision to hold long-term funding hostage for Pennsylvania’s seniors is downright shameful. Governor Corbett’s plan to reform our lottery system will give $50 million in additional funding to Pennsylvania’s seniors. Kathleen Kane has put union bosses and Harrisburg Democrats first and it is a failure of the Attorney General’s office to reject this proposal on purely political grounds.”
“It’s irresponsible for Kane, a publicly elected official, to refuse to answer any questions from the media regarding such an important decision. Her actions today raise a number of questions. Did Kathleen Kane run from the podium because she is ill-equipped to articulate the legal basis for her rejection? If Kane can’t even publicly defend her own positions, how can we trust her to defend Pennsylvanians?”
“Within a month of taking office, Kane already broke the promise she made to Pennsylvanians to use her office for effective oversight, not political gimmicks, and it’s time she start putting people before politics.”