Senator Pat Toomey
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) today introduced the Government Contracting Improvement Act of 2012 to require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to include in its annual report to Congress the most common grounds for sustainment of protests by businesses applying for federal contracts.
Under current law, the GAO is required to investigate protests from businesses that were not awarded government bids to determine whether these protests have merit. When the GAO sustains a protest, it makes recommendations to the agency regarding any errors made in the contracting process. GAO is also required to submit to Congress an annual report on the bid protests that have been filed.
Sen. Toomey’s bill would require the GAO to include the most common reasons bid protests are sustained. This additional information could help federal agencies identify needed improvements in the contracting process, reduce the number of protests overall and provide Congress with much-needed information about possible weaknesses in the federal contracting process to facilitate potential legislation.
“In any private sector business or company, administrators look for feedback on ways to improve their operations,” Sen. Toomey said. “This good-government measure will help ensure federal agencies are achieving the same goal.”
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