Mike Kelly For Congress
BUTLER — Congressman Mike Kelly announced today that the world’s largest federation of businesses has endorsed his candidacy for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.
“At no other time in our nation’s history has it been more critical that Members of Congress provide leadership that protects and advances the interests of the business community,” said Tom Donohue, President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “We believe that your re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives will… help create more jobs and get our country back on track.”
As a successful small business owner, Mike Kelly has four decades worth of real life experience working in the private sector. As a local employer, Kelly understands the pressures our job creators face to help those working at businesses reach their dreams and goals. After experiencing the wayward policies of Washington firsthand at his business, Kelly was motivated to change the course of Congress by running for office himself.
“I decided to run for Congress to stop the federal government from stifling the American spirit of entrepreneurship,” said Kelly. “The mandate that voters gave the Republican majority this session has allowed us to focus our full attention on passing job growth policies and reducing the national debt. The House has taken important steps towards improving the regulatory climate for job creators; enacted cuts to rein in wasteful spending; and voted to reduce the federal deficit.”
Kelly voiced frustration with the Obama Administration’s opposition to several critical pieces of legislation, such as the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act, that would not only create family sustaining jobs but reduce America’s dependence on foreign sources of energy.
“Our nation’s security and economic viability are far too important to fall victim to partisan gamesmanship and political decision-making,” concluded Kelly. “I remain committed to pursuing these and other policies that will improve America’s stature as a world leader and ensure it stays that way for generations to come.”
Kelly, from Butler, is seeking a second two-year term in the U.S. House of Representatives. He faces Democrat Missa Eaton and two Independents, Stacey Gray and Steven Porter, in the November 6 election.