Governor Corbett Signs Eight Bills Into Law

Office of the Governor

Harrisburg — Governor Tom Corbett today signed into law the following eight bills:

House Bill 169 — This bill amends the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act tocreate new definitions, increase prize limits, and provide for additional rules andregulations for licensing of organizations. It also amends enforcement provisions.

House Bill 170 — This bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) in order to improve safety forbicyclists on Pennsylvania roads, establishing new rules for motorists to follow whenthey encounter a bicyclist.

House Bill 398 — This measure, known as the Appraisal Management CompanyRegistration Act, establishes registration of appraisal management companies in Pennsylvania as required by the federal Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform andConsumer Protection Act of 2010.

House Bill 1630 — This bill amends the Act of June 28, 1947 (P.L. 110, No. 476),known as the Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Act, to remove a statutory cap on markupsfor service contracts, warranties, debt cancellation agreements and debtsuspension agreements issued by auto dealers. This law maintains the authority ofthe Department of Banking to review and determine if mark-ups are excessive.

Senate Bill 159 — This bill is a step toward Pennsylvania’s implementation of the”Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children,” which aimsto remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military familiesbecause of frequent moves and deployment of their parents or guardians.

Senate Bill 726 — This bill amends the Act of June 24, 1931 (P.L. 1206, No. 331),known as the First Class Township Code, to eliminate the positions of townshipassessor and assistant township assessor and to remove all references to thesepositions. This legislation also clarifies and eliminates the need to fill thesepositions, by eliminating references to the positions in the Code.

Senate Bill 923 — This bill amends the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955, No.265),entitled the Housing Authorities Law, to allow a county of the second class toappoint police officers for housing authorities. It also requires those officers to becertified by the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission.

Senate Bill 995 — This bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) of thePennsylvania Consolidated Statutes to require the Pennsylvania EmergencyManagement Agency and the Department of Environmental Protection to adoptemergency regulations that direct operators of unconventional wells to establishand register a GPS coordinate for each unconventional well, as well as developemergency response plans and post signs to aid emergency responders.

To read the full text of these bills, visit the General Assembly’s website at