ObamaCare Decision Time: Will Congressman Sestak Choose President Obama Over His Constituents?

HARRISBURG — As President Barack Obama heads to the Keystone State to make his latest government-run health care pitch, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason is calling on Congressman Joe Sestak to stand up and voice his strong opposition to a plan that no one wants.

“Congressman Joe Sestak continues to blindly support the President’s plan for government-run heath care, even as Pennsylvanians have overwhelmingly rejected this plan,” Gleason said. “Instead of representing the interests of his constituents by opposing government-run health care, Congressman Sestak has made it abundantly clear that he is more concerned about positioning himself for the U.S. Senate Democratic primary than effectively serving the people of the 7th Congressional District.

“While Americans are clamoring for a thoughtful, step-by-step approach to reforming our health care system, Joe Sestak has decided to use this critical debate as an opportunity to pander to special interests groups on the far left.

“Congressman Joe Sestak’s continued support of government-run health care is further proof that both he and the Democrat Party are completely out-of-touch with the needs of hardworking Pennsylvanians.”

During a late Saturday night vote on November 7, 2009, Congressman Joe Sestak cast his vote for the U.S. House’s version of the government-run health care plan. (“Affordable Health Care for America Act: Roll Call 887,” http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2009/roll887.xml)
