On September 21, 2019, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania State Committee met for their Fall Meeting. At the meeting a resolution was passed that supports the Electoral College. The resolution was adopted unanimously. You can read the resolution in its entirety below.
WHEREAS the Electoral College represents the considerable genius of our Founding Fathers in the United States Constitution; and
WHEREAS the framers of the Constitution wisely created a balanced representative democracy retaining majority rule with protections as established by the Electoral College from tyranny of the majority; and
WHEREAS the Electoral College was designed to ensure the fair distribution of representation in selecting a President without the predominance of one region; and
WHEREAS the Electoral College provides an efficient and peaceful transfer of power by protecting the minority and regional interests; and
WHEREAS the so-called National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is a threat to our Constitutional Republic, since the NPVIC allows the popular vote in as few as two heavily populated communities determine a Presidential Election; and
WHEREAS the NPVIC allows a short cut to circumvent the Constitutional requirement of 38 states to amend the Constitution; and
WHEREAS the NPVIC creates a majority by forcing electors to vote against the votes cast by the constituents of their own state; and
WHEREAS the elimination of the Electoral College would encourage presidential candidates to champion the causes of a very small geographic area, effectively ignoring most of the states; and
WHEREAS the elimination of the Electoral College could amplify the effects of vote fraud by a very small geographic area; and
WHEREAS the Electoral College provides for a broad representation of the whole United States; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Pennsylvania supports the Electoral College and opposes the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and urges the Pennsylvania Legislature to defend the Electoral College as created in the U.S. Constitution.