During a League of Women Voters forum held Wednesday night in Delaware County between State Sen. Tom McGarrigle and socialist Democrat Tim Kearney, a major donor to the Democrats, Eric Friedman, disrupted the debate.
Eric Friedman’s disruption delayed the beginning of the forum and his request to film the form was in direct conflict with League of Women Voters rules.
By way of background, Friedman and his wife have donated thousands to Democrats local to the Delaware County area.
To view video of the disruption CLICK HERE.
In response, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Executive Director Mike Stoll, made the following statement:
“On a day when all sides should be working toward more civility in how people are treated in the political sphere, Eric Friedman’s actions are beyond disappointing and are reprehensible.
“Eric Friedman has been a major donor to southeastern Pennsylvania Democrat candidates and is apparently one of the leaders of the unhinged hyper-partisan liberal activists who are more focused on disruption and resistance instead of results.
“Voters should take note of this type of obstructive behavior and seriously consider if this is the type of behavior that leads to a civil dialogue. In this case it prevented local residents from learning more about the candidates from hearing a civil debate.
“Democrat candidates, especially forum participant Tim Kearney should come out and denounce Friedman’s actions and ensure they are not repeated at forums going forward.”