Thursday, Republican nominee for Governor, Scott Wagner, unveiled his plan to create jobs and grow the economy in Pennsylvania. The plan focuses on combatting the skilled labor crisis, spurring business development and growth through deregulation, and creating a less onerous system of taxation.
In response, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Val DiGiorgio, made the following statement:
“As a businessman, Scott Wagner knows what it takes to create jobs and foster a positive environment for business growth that benefits all Pennsylvanians.
“Scott Wagner’s plan for creating Pennsylvania jobs and growing our state’s economy is the right path for Pennsylvania and prioritizes the same concepts that have the national economy hitting on all cylinders: ending onerous over-regulation, creating a fair system of taxation, and putting a priority on providing job-ready skills.
“While the national economy is in the middle of a boom from policies that have cut taxes and allowed for significant business development, Pennsylvania is lagging behind the rest of the country as a result of Tom Wolf’s insatiable appetite for increased taxes and his administration’s over-regulation that stifles the ability of businesses to grow and create more jobs.”