By Val DiGiorgio, Chairman, Republican Party of Pennsylvania
The news is out across the country: the U.S. economy is booming, the nation’s unemployment is below four percent, African-American unemployment rates are at historic lows, and lagging state budgets are benefitting from increased consumer spending as a result of Republican-led federal tax cuts just six months after their historical enactment.
At home, Pennsylvania’s coffers, which have been plagued by years of structural deficits, are being bolstered as a direct result of federal tax cuts.
Recently, in providing a state revenue update and outlook, the Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office’s Director, Matthew Knittel, cited federal tax cuts will inject $6 billion to $7 billion into Pennsylvania’s economy, further boosting revenue growth.
Better yet, we are still in the early stages of seeing federal tax cuts dollars flow into the state’s economy, leaving untold upside to what this prudent fiscal strategy can do for the Keystone State.
The bottom line?
If you like the extra money in your paycheck from the federal tax cut, a booming economy with lower national unemployment, and a state that is on the path to financial security as a result of Republican-led fiscal policy, then on Primary Day—May 15th—you should support Lou Barletta for U.S. Senate, Scott Wagner for Governor, and Jeff Bartos for Lt. Governor.
Earlier this year, the more than 300 elected members of the Republican State Committee vetted and voted overwhelmingly to endorse these three statewide candidates through a ground-up, grassroots process that signified they are the best candidates to take on and defeat Bob Casey and Tom Wolf in November.
Since the endorsements, the need for these candidates to advance through the Primary has only become stronger as Democrats continue to double-down on their economy-stifling policies.
At the national level, Democrats are hoping a so-called “Blue Wave” will bring them into a majority in Congress where their first order of business will be an attempt to roll back the tax cuts that have put more money in the pockets of Pennsylvanians.
While liberal Democrat Sen. Bob Casey has led the obstructionist resistance movement opposed to all of President Trump’s proposals—including the economy-boosting tax cuts—Lou Barletta has used his time in Congress to support a Presidential agenda that is tough on illegal immigration, has brought the world closer to peace by easing tensions on the Korean peninsula, and has ushered in historic tax reforms that, among other things, allow middle-class Americans to keep more of their hard-earned pay.
Lou Barletta voted for your tax cut. Bob Casey voted against it. When you look at the extra money in your paycheck, your choice for the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate should be clear based on that alone.
Here in Pennsylvania, under the watch of Gov. Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate remains behind the national average and our emergence from the Great Recession has been slower than many states. All the while, the Governor continues to introduce cradle-to-grave tax increases, increase regulation on the state’s energy economy, and has yet to sign a budget.
That is why Republican voters should support Scott Wagner for Governor and Jeff Bartos for Lt. Governor.
Scott Wagner has pledged that—if elected Governor—he will work to ensure Pennsylvanians will keep every penny of their federal tax cuts.
With his private sector business experience, Scott Wagner has spent his entire career creating jobs and balancing budgets. In Harrisburg, he has brought that experience to bear by fighting against burdensome over-regulation, massive tax increases proposed by Gov. Wolf, and spending increases that would put Pennsylvania’s economy on the path to financial ruin.
If elected Governor, Scott Wagner will work to hold government spending accountable by implementing zero-based budgeting and kick start Pennsylvania’s economy eliminating the over-regulation of businesses.
On May 15th, if you want to make Pennsylvania better, if you want to keep your tax cuts, and if you want to put our government on the road to accountability and solvency, Republican voters should vote for Lou Barletta for U.S. Senate, Scott Wagner for Governor, and Jeff Bartos for Lt. Governor.