STATEMENT: Chairman DiGiorgio on GOP Registration Surge in PA


HARRISBURG — Chairman Val DiGiorgio issued the following statement on the GOP Registration Surge in PA:

“We’re rapidly closing the registration gap throughout the Commonwealth. Our message that judges shouldn’t legislate from bench or insert their own policy preferences into their decision making is resonating with voters.

“The surge we’ve seen in GOP voter registrations this year is also a testament to the strength and unity of our Party. During a spring meeting of all sixty-seven County Chairs, voter registration was identified as a top priority. Through our committee’s dedication to voter registration initiatives, we now have the quantifiable results needed to combat the mainstream media and Democrat narrative that we’re losing momentum — when in fact we’re gaining ground — as we approach this year’s judicial elections.”

— Val DiGiorgio, Chairman, Republican Party of Pennsylvania



City & State Pennsylvania, Nick Field, By the numbers: the Top 10 counties by GOP voter registration gains

Pennsylvania Democrats have been through a lot recently, but if the party hopes to begin the process of turning the state blue again, more attention must be paid to some vitally important information on voter registration that might have gotten missed amid the circus in D.C. In retrospect, the county changes in voter registration proved to be quite the reliable indicator of the presidential election results. To make matters worse for the Democrats, after re-examining the numbers to see if they had stopped the bleeding, it quickly became apparent that the regular culling of long-term inactives has led to even more Republican gains. Last October, the Democrats held a lead of 913,017 (4,157,140 Dems to 3,244,123 Republicans). The most recent count shows the GOP chipping that number down to 808,974 (4,030,393 to 3,221,419)… The following is a list of the Top 10 counties in terms of net additional Republican voters (click “Read More” to see who made the Top 10).