“Sadly, Bob Casey continues to embrace his far-left ‘resistance leader’ status. His newest form of obstruction — refusing to return his blue slip for our highly qualified Keystone State nominee — is a disservice to Pennsylvania and its citizens. It’s a shame that Bob Casey is more concerned with covering his left flank than responsible governing.”
— Val DiGiorgio, Chairman, Republican Party of Pennsylvania
The Washington Times: Senate Democrats hold blue slips, delay Trump’s federal judicial nominees
Alex Swoyer
July 9, 2017
No Democrat has yet returned a “blue slip” signaling acceptance of President Trump’s federal judicial picks — an ominous sign for Republicans, who fear it signals an upcoming attempt to slow-walk the administration’s plans to reshape the federal judiciary. Democrats have suggested that blame lies with the White House. They say Mr. Trump’s aides haven’t done enough to consult with them before announcing nominations to fill federal appeals court vacancies.The White House, though, said it has gone to great lengths to try to rope Democrats in early in the process, with frequent outreach, only to be met by dilatory tactics…“And in Pennsylvania and Indiana, the president has nominated prominent, widely respected law professors at world-class universities — Notre Dame and the University of Pennsylvania. These are consensus picks who would receive unanimous support if offered by any other administration.”
The New York Times: White House Announces Slate of 11 Judicial Nominees
Adam Lipta
June 7, 2017
Mr. Trump’s new slate includes two other nominees to federal appeals court. One, Stephanos Bibas, is a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania who served as a law clerk to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy and has argued several cases before the Supreme Court. He is to be nominated to the Third Circuit, in Philadelphia.