“If They Can Run A Marathon, They Can Walk A Few Blocks…”
“Plagued by perennial scandals, Hillary Clinton and Katie McGinty will always put their own interests above everyone else even if it means hurting Scranton charities. Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Clinton Foundation could learn from Scranton Charities who’ve spent months playing by the rules and organizing these fundraising events. Instead, Hillary Clinton wants Bernie Sanders to speak in Scranton to stop her plunging poll numbers in the northeast regardless if it hurts Pennsylvanians. In fact, a close Hillary campaign ally arrogantly mocked safety concerns as “crying” while comparing a political event to the Race for the Cure.
“The fact of the matter is that Hillary Clinton and her campaign couldn’t care less about hurting people that benefit from Scranton charities if it means they can have a more convenient campaign event. It’s time for Hillary Clinton to cancel her event and apologize to the participants in these charitable fundraisers.” – PA GOP Chairman Rob Gleason
Two Local Charities Are Holding Events In The Scranton High School Area
WNEP’s Ryan Run 2016’s 5k All-Abilities Walk Will Be Taking Place At The Valor Credit Union Field At Scranton High School Today. (WNEP’s Ryan’s Run 2016 Website, Accessed 10/7/2016)
The Steamtown Marathon Expo Is Taking Place At Scranton High School Today As Well. (Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Annual Steamtown Marathon, Accessed 10/7/2016)
But Now, A Bernie Sanders’ Event For Hillary Clinton Will Compete For Space
“Scranton Teachers Union President Rosemary Boland Said The Rally Originally Was Scheduled For Courthouse Square, But Was Moved To The High School Because Of A Rain Forecast.” (Borys Krawczenuik, “Bernie Sanders Coming To Scranton,” The Scranton Times-Tribune, 10/7/2016)
Charity Event Organizer: “I’m Concerned About The Health, Safety And Welfare Of Everyone Involved There.”
“It’s Going To Be A Logistical Nightmare For Everyone Involved.” “I’m concerned about the health, safety and welfare of everyone involved there,” said [Steamtown Marathon Association President and race Director Bill] King, who said the race expo could draw as many as 4,000 people. “It’s going to be a logistical nightmare for everyone involved.” (Borys Krawczenuik, “Bernie Sanders Coming To Scranton,” The Scranton Times-Tribune, 10/7/2016)
“We Reserved It About Four and A Half, Five Months Ago…It’s Going To Be Chaos.”
Director of Steamtown Marathon Bill King: “Well, first of all, we reserved it about four and a half, five months ago, and we have a letter approving us to use Scranton High School for the Steamtown Marathon Expo…Seventy-six percent of our runners are coming from outside of Northeastern Pennsylvania… As a result of this, we have all of these people coming in from out of town, they don’t know the city that well, with directions and how to get down there. They’re going to pull up, and this place – there’s going to be no parking. It’s going to be chaos.” (Sue Henry, “Bill King, Director of Steamtown Marathon with Sue Henry,” WILK Newsradio, 10/7/2016)
Charities Benefit Children With Mental And Physical Needs
The Steamtown Marathon Has Raised $1.5 Million For St. Joseph’s Center, A Misson Aimed At Helping Special Needs Children That’s Run By The Sisters Of The Immaculate Heart Of Mary. (St. Joseph’s Center, Accessed 10/7/2016), (Sue Henry, “Bill King, Director of Steamtown Marathon with Sue Henry,” WILK Newsradio, 10/7/2016)
Ryan’s Run Has Raised $1.6 Million For Allied Services, Whose Services Include Caring For Who Have Special Physical Needs. (Ryan’s Run, Accessed 10/7/2016), (Sue Henry, “Bill King, Director of Steamtown Marathon with Sue Henry,” WILK Newsradio, 10/7/2016)
Multiple School Officials Say They Had Nothing To Do With Permission For Sanders Event
Director of Steamtown Marathon Bill King: “Well, I used to be the Superintendent of Scranton schools, so I have a little knowledge on this. So when I was Superintendent I would receive the call [regarding an event], and then I would have to get permission from the school board. Typically, these things do happen quick. You get a call on Monday that he’s coming out Wednesday…It would be a matter of contacting the school board. First of all, you’d make it to the School Board President, and then get a sense for ‘All right, let’s call around and make sure it’s alright with event, and then the approval would be granted. I spoke to two school directors yesterday who had no knowledge of it at all.” (Sue Henry, “Bill King, Director of Steamtown Marathon with Sue Henry,” WILK Newsradio, 10/7/2016)
Hillary Clinton Event Organizer And Union Official: “We Had The Race For The Cure…And Nobody Cried.”
“We Had The Race For The Cure With Over 5,000 Runners…And Nobody Cried.” Scranton Federation of Teachers President Rose Boland: “We had the Race for the Cure with over 5,000 runners and walkers for that wonderful event – nobody cried…” WILK News Radio Host Sue Henry: “Are you saying the guy from the Steamtown Marathon is crying. Is that what you’re saying?” Boland: “Well, what I’m saying is if I’m going to run in a marathon, I think I could walk a couple of blocks if I had to park my car and walk over to the high school.” (Sue Henry, “Interview with Rosemary Boland Pres. Scranton Fed. of Teachers,” WILK Newsradio, 10/7/2016)