HARRISBURG — Eighteen lawmakers from across the Commonwealth signed a letter today condemning Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Katie McGinty’s comments criticizing citizens of Pennsylvania’s T region. 5th District Congressman Glenn “G.T.” Thompson wrote a similar letter denouncing McGinty’s comments.
During an interview with The Jewish Exponent, McGinty claimed she found an “alarming undercurrent of misinformed people in the ‘T’ part of the state,” regarding issues related to Israel.
“Katie McGinty’s dismissive attitude towards millions of Pennsylvanians is disturbing and unbecoming of a candidate running to represent Pennsylvania in the United States Senate,” Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Megan Sweeney said. “Katie McGinty put her elitism on full display when she launched a baseless attack against millions of Pennsylvanians in our T region without any evidence. It looks like Katie McGinty accepted more than just Barack Obama’s endorsement. Katie McGinty shares his attitude of superiority towards rural Pennsylvanians.
“Katie McGinty owes millions of Pennsylvanians an apology for her offensive remarks. Perhaps it’s time for Katie McGinty to take a break from the D.C. fundraisers and start actually talking to Pennsylvania voters.”
The text of a letter sent by eighteen lawmakers expressing their disgust with McGinty’s recent remarks is below:
April 4, 2016
Mrs. Katie McGinty
P.O. Box 22447
Philadelphia, PA 19110
Dear Mrs. McGinty:
We are incredibly disappointed by your offensive statements about our great commonwealth in your recent Jewish Exponent interview, where you dismiss those of us who live outside of Philadelphia — an area you refer to as the “T” — as featuring “an alarming undercurrent of misinformed people.”
We are shocked that you chose to insult millions of Pennsylvanians. While you are from Philadelphia, millions of hardworking Pennsylvanians live in the rest of our great state and are hardly “misinformed.”
The “T” is home to many farms, factories, and businesses that provide for the rest of our state — from food, to energy, to manufacturing, and so much more. Pennsylvania is the sum of all its parts. That’s what makes our commonwealth great.
Pennsylvanians still remember the sting of President Obama’s disparaging words in 2008: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion.” Eight years later, your own words reopen old wounds. Then-Senator Hillary Clinton rightly said she was “taken aback” and described President Obama’s comments as “elitist and out of touch.” The same is true of your comments to the Exponent.
Furthermore, living outside of Pennsylvania’s largest cities does not diminish our support for and commitment to the nation of Israel, as you insultingly suggest. Quite the contrary. We understand the damage President Obama’s policies have done, emboldening America’s and Israel’s shared enemies in the Middle East. We represent millions of constituents, who strongly support Israel, our greatest ally in the region.
At a minimum, you owe an apology to our constituents and neighbors, whom you describe as gullible, “misinformed,” and hostile to Israel. We also recommend that you spend more time outside of Philadelphia and get to know the rest of the state you wish to represent in the U.S. Senate.
We recognize that your career in Washington, DC, and in Gov. Wolf’s administration, as well as your experience on various corporate energy boards, might not have adequately exposed you to the rest of our commonwealth. In light of your unfortunate assessment, it is clear that you have much to learn about the majority of Pennsylvanians who live outside of Philadelphia.
Congressman Charlie Dent (PA-15)
Congressman Joe Pitts (PA-16)
State Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman (Centre, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata)
State Senator Ryan Aument (Lancaster)
State Senator Guy Reschenthaler (Allegheny, Washington)
State Senator Kim Ward (Westmoreland)
State Representative Stephen Bloom (Cumberland)
State Representative Sheryl Delozier (Cumberland)
State Representative Seth Grove (York)
State Representative Fred Keller (Snyder, Union)
State Representative Kathy Rapp (Crawford, Forest, Warren)
State Representative Brad Roae (Crawford, Erie)
State Representative Greg Rothman (Cumberland)
State Representative Stan Saylor (York)
State Representative Curt Sonney (Erie)
State Representative Parke Wentling (Crawford, Erie, Lawrence, Mercer)
York County Commissioner Chris Reilly
David N. Taylor, President, Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association