Six Years Of Obamacare: Six Years Of Failure

HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the sixth anniversary of Obamacare.

“Six years ago, one of the biggest failures of the Obama Administration was forced onto the American people by Democrats,” PA GOP Chairman Rob Gleason said. “Obamacare is leaving a legacy of higher taxes, lost coverage and higher premiums for families across our Commonwealth. With voicing their support of one of the most disastrous laws in American history, Joe Sestak and Katie McGinty are catering to far-left special interest groups instead of middle-class Pennsylvania families.”

Sestak: “The Sole Reason I Went To Congress” Was Obamacare

During a town hall meeting in 2009, then-Congressman Joe Sestak responded to a question about Obamacare by saying, “I think the first question was, did I read the bill? Yes, it’s the sole reason I went to Congress.” (Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA, 9/5/2009)

Sestak Wanted Even More Government Involvement In Health Care

When asked if he would vote for Obamacare if it didn’t contain the public option, then-Congressman Joe Sestak said, “Right now, without a public health care plan option or something that actually is very very very similar, which the present co-op proposal isn’t, we won’t get those insurance companies to have a fair competitor that actually brings those premiums down. And because Pennsylvanians have had a 90 percent increase in their premiums in the last 8 years, we’ve got to have something in that in order for me to be supportive of it. And right now, I’m going to find it hard to do so, unless we have that in there.” (Alex Rose, “Sestak: Public option needed for health bill,” Main Line Times, 8/25/2009)

In 2010, Joe Sestak Voted For Obamacare

Sestak Voted For The Final Version Of Obamacare Five years ago today, Sestak Voted For H.R. 3590, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the ObamaCare Reconciliation bill. (H.R. 3590, Roll Call #165: Passed 219-212; R 0-178, D 219-34, 3/21/10), (H.R. 4872, Roll Call #167: Passed 220-211; R 0-178, D 220-33, 3/21/2010)

Katie McGinty: Obamacare “Is Something Democrats Have To Be Proud Of”…

“Single-payer, I believe, would squeeze a lot of the costs that we otherwise see in insurance company profits, et cetera, that are crippling the ability for us to achieve universal and affordable health care. Having said that, the Affordable Care Act is something that Democrats have to be proud of. Finally we have a shot at universal health care.” (Katie McGinty, Democratic Candidates for United States Senate from PA Debate, Pittsburgh, PA, 1/31/2016)

But Obamacare Contains 20 New Or Higher Taxes…

“Obamacare contains 20 new or higher taxes on American families and small businesses.” (Americans for Tax Reform ,”Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes: Listed by Size of Tax Hike,” Office of Congressman Jeff Duncan, Accessed 3/22/2016)

And Separated Families From Their Health Care Plan..

“…The Promise Was Impossible to Keep.” “It was a catchy political pitch and a chance to calm nerves about his dramatic and complicated plan to bring historic change to America’s health insurance system. ‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,’ President Barack Obama said — many times — of his landmark new law. But the promise was impossible to keep. So this fall, as cancellation letters were going out to approximately 4 million Americans, the public realized Obama’s breezy assurances were wrong.” (Angie Drobnic Holan, “Lie of the Year: ‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep it’,” Politifact, 12/12/2013)

Rising Premiums Are Hurting U.S. Households

Pennsylvania Saw An Average 11% increase In ObamaCare Premiums This Year. (“2016 Marketplace Affordability Snapshot,” Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 11/26/15)

Consumers That Purchased The Most Popular Low-Cost Plan On The ObamaCare Exchanges Will “Face Premium Increases Averaging 15 Percent Next Year.” “Americans who bought the least expensive versions of the most popular tier of insurance sold through will face premium increases averaging 15 percent next year unless they switch to a different health plan, according to a new analysis.” (Amy Goldstein, “Rate Hikes Widespread For Popular Insurance Unless People Switch Plans,” The Washington Post, 11/18/2015)

Rising Health Care Expenses “Are A Drain On U.S. Households.” “Whether the upward trend in costs persists remains to be seen, but rising health expenses clearly are a drain on U.S. households.” (Jeffry Bartash, “Health-Care Costs Appear To Be On The Rise Again,” MarketWatch, 11/17/2015)
