PA GOP Releases Names Of Conferees Selected To Participate In Process To Nominate A Candidate To Run In The Upcoming Special Election To Fill The Vacancy In The 9th Senatorial District

HARRISBURG — The Republican Party of Pennsylvania (PA GOP) released the names of the conferees selected to participate in the upcoming conferee meeting to nominate a candidate to run in the upcoming special election to fill the vacancy in the 9th Senatorial District.

Each of the counties that comprise the 9th Senatorial District will be represented by their respective number of allotted conferees based on the electoral results of the 2012 presidential race. Conferees must be registered Republican electors that reside in the 9th Senatorial District. There will be a total of 61 conferees: 26 from Chester County, and 35 from Delaware County.

Chester County:

  • Gwenne Alexander
  • Cathy Burkett
  • Chris Burkett
  • Perry Camerlengo, Jr.
  • Thom Chiomento
  • Terri Clark
  • Mike DeHaven
  • Thomas Donohue Jr.
  • Sara Franco
  • Joel Frank
  • Chuck Gaza
  • Barbara Giannini
  • Andrea Gosselin
  • Paula Gowen
  • Eaton Hopkins
  • Margaret Key
  • Christine Kimmel
  • Amy Ludwig
  • Harry McKinney
  • John McTear
  • Curt Norcini
  • Sean Rafferty
  • Joe Viscuso
  • Roe Watkins
  • Carolyn "Bunny" Welsh
  • George Zumbano

Delaware County:

  • Nancy Bowden
  • Jackie Clancy
  • Lauren Dambly
  • Joe DeVuono
  • Michelle Fennelli
  • Linda Fox
  • Shepard Garner
  • Emily Harris
  • Dean Helm
  • John Hosier
  • Valerie Hoxter
  • Mark Koehler
  • Mark Kot
  • Josephine "Gigi" Laird
  • Thomas Lawrie
  • Ellen Luongo
  • Angela Martinez
  • Bob May
  • Joe McGinn, Sr.
  • Diane Milowicki
  • Colleen Morrone
  • Nate Much
  • Beth Naughton-Beck
  • Kevin O’Donoghue
  • Pat Patterson
  • Dominic Pileggi
  • Harry Postles
  • Susan Powell
  • Chris Quinn
  • Jim Raith
  • Susan Rendler-Truesdale
  • Michael Rinaldi
  • Peter Seltzer
  • Frank Sill
  • Beth Stephanide

State Senator Dominic Pileggi, who represented the 9th Senatorial District, resigned his seat on January 3, 2016 and per the call of Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack, a Special Election will take place to fill the vacant seat in the 9th Senatorial District, which encompasses portions of and Chester and Delaware counties.

Due to the fact that this State Senate District is made up of more than one county, the Rules and Bylaws of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania dictate that the PA GOP preside over a conferee meeting to select a Republican nominee. The conferee meeting will be held on Thursday, January 7th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Concordville Inn, 780 Baltimore Pike, Glen Mills, PA 19342.

During the conferee meeting, each candidate will have the opportunity to make a short presentation. After each candidate has an opportunity to be heard, the conferees will vote to nominate candidates to fill our Party’s position on the ballot. A nominated candidate must secure a majority of the votes cast to earn the nomination. No proxies will be permitted at this meeting, and only conferees will be permitted to vote.

Any registered Republican who meets the constitutional requirements for this position may seek the Party’s nomination. Per the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Article II, Section 5 titled, “Qualifications of Members,” those requirements are as follows:

Senators shall be at least twenty-five years of age and Representatives twenty-one years of age. They shall have been citizens and inhabitants of their respective districts one year next before their election (unless absent on the public business of the United States or of this State) and shall reside in their respective districts during their terms of service.

We would ask that all candidates interested in seeking the Party’s nomination contact Republican Party of Pennsylvania Political Director Cody Harbaugh by calling 717-234-4901, ext. 142 or by emailing [email protected] by January 6th at 5:00 p.m. so that we can ensure that every interested candidate is included in the process.
