HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Megan Sweeney released the following statement regarding the fifth anniversary of former Congressman Joe Sestak’s vote in favor of Obamacare.
“Five years ago, Joe Sestak’s only complaint about Obamacare was that it didn’t go far enough,” Sweeney said. “At such a pivotal moment in our country’s history, Congressman Joe Sestak was more concerned about inserting a public option into Obamacare than he was about fighting for practical, commonsense solutions that didn’t raise taxes, kill jobs, and separate families from their doctors. Joe Sestak has even stated that Obamacare was the ‘sole reason’ that he decided to go to Congress.
“Pennsylvanians have already rejected Joe Sestak and his extreme positions once since his vote for Obamacare, and they’re prepared to hold him accountable for his support for Obamacare again next year.”
Sestak: Obamacare “The Sole Reason I Went To Congress”
During a town hall meeting in 2009, then-Congressman Joe Sestak responded to a question about Obamacare by saying, “I think the first question was, did I read the bill? Yes, it’s the sole reason I went to Congress.” (Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA, 9/5/09, 38:54-39:02)
Sestak Was A Vocal Supporter Of The Public Option
When asked if he would vote for Obamacare if it didn’t contain the public option, then-Congressman Joe Sestak said, “Right now, without a public health care plan option or something that actually is very very very similar, which the present co-op proposal isn’t, we won’t get those insurance companies to have a fair competitor that actually brings those premiums down. And because Pennsylvanians have had a 90 percent increase in their premiums in the last 8 years, we’ve got to have something in that in order for me to be supportive of it. And right now, I’m going to find it hard to do so, unless we have that in there.” (Alex Rose, “Sestak: Public option needed for health bill,” Main Line Times, 8/25/2009)
On November 7, 2009, then-Congressman Joe Sestak voted for a version of Obamacare that contained a public option. (H.R. 3962, Roll Call #887: Passed 220-215; R 1-176, D 219-39, 11/7/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted For The Final Version Of Obamacare
Five years ago today, Sestak Voted For H.R. 3590, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the ObamaCare Reconciliation bill. (H.R. 3590, Roll Call #165: Passed 219-212; R 0-178, D 219-34, 3/21/10), (H.R. 4872, Roll Call #167: Passed 220-211; R 0-178, D 220-33, 3/21/10)