Beaver County Times
She has hammered Solobay throughout the campaign on the amount of money he receives in per diems and thinks that too many Harrisburg legislators have gotten comfortable with job perks that many of their constituents don’t enjoy.
She thinks that legislators should be required to provide immediate online information as to the amount they are taking in per diems and expenses. Likewise, she would like to see campaign finance information updated daily, not quarterly as required now.
And when it comes to Right-To-Know requests, she thinks the current law that allows government agencies to invoke a 30-day review period is just an attempt to delay providing public information. “Every step of the way, they say it takes 30 days,” she said, “and we know it certainly doesn’t.”
Bartolotta faces the challenges that every newcomer does when going up against a longtime incumbent, but we think she deserves a chance to break up the status quo in Harrisburg.