Pocono Business Journal
Reps. Rosemary M. Brown (R-Monroe/Pike) and Mario Scavello (R-Monroe) today announced more than $1.2 million in state funds have been awarded to seven municipalities across Monroe County through the Department of Environmental Protection’s Recycling Performance Grant Program.
“Monroe County is being rewarded for its efforts in helping to keep our communities clean by reducing the amount of waste in our landfills through recycling. I applaud our local communities’ dedication to the protection of our environment and its valued service to area residents,” said Brown.
“Communities that support and encourage recycling are protecting our environment, conserving energy, reducing waste and helping ensure a cleaner, brighter future for our region,” said Scavello.
The Recycling Performance Grant Program was established under Act 101 of 1988, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act. Under this law, municipalities with more than 10,000 residents and those with populations between 5,000 and 10,000 that have population densities greater than 300 people per square mile must establish recycling programs. Currently, 440 of Pennsylvania’s 2,700 municipalities are required to recycle and provide curbside collection programs.
Recycling Performance Grants are available to all Pennsylvania municipalities with established recycling programs. These grant awards were based on the total tons recycled and each municipality’s recycling rate for the calendar year 2010.
This year, the state awarded $17.8 million in recycling grants to 131 municipalities and counties for developing and implementing recycling programs. The grants are funded by the $2 tipping fee per ton paid by haulers on all waste managed at municipal landfills and resource recovery facilities in Pennsylvania.
Here is a list of this year’s local grant recipients:
- Coolbaugh Township, $228,618
- Eldred Township, $1,809
- Middle Smithfield Township, $223,382
- Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority, $250,000
- Pocono Township, $185,015
- Smithfield Township, $147,589
- Stroud Township, $227,043
Post-consumer aluminum and steel cans, glass, plastics, cardboard, newspapers and other marketable grades of paper were materials eligible for the grants. Additionally, all eligible materials collected from residents, business, schools, colleges, universities and community events were factored into the grant awards.
These grants are supplemental to the funds that the state Department of Environmental Protection allocates to municipalities to establish and maintain recycling programs.
For more legislative information, visit Brown or Scavello’s websites at RepBrown.comor MarioScavello.com.