…and Pennsylvania’s editorial boards are lining up with resounding support for Governor Corbett’s plan to get government out of the business of selling alcohol once and for all and give the proceeds to public education, encouraging the legislature to get on board with and pass a proposal that’s a win for everyone — teachers, taxpayers, students and consumers.
Here’s what they’re saying:
Philadelphia Inquirer: “The governor deserves credit for going big…By selling off the state’s wine and spirits monopoly and liberalizing beer and wine retail, he is proposing unequivocally to “get the state out of the liquor business” for the right reason: because it is a business. A free market will serve Pennsylvania’s consumers best, much as it does in 48 other states.” (Editorial, “Inquirer Editorial: Credible plan gets state out of booze business,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 02/03/13)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “Pennsylvania consumers should love Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposal for getting the state out of the liquor business… Pennsylvanians who think state government is too big should love Mr. Corbett’s proposal… Pennsylvanians who worry that teens and intoxicated people can too easily get served should love the plan… Even Pennsylvania public schools should love the governor’s plan… Finally, Pennsylvanians who see their state as a political and social backwater compared to others should love this plan.” (Editorial, “Count the Ways: Corbett’s liquor reform is right for Pennsylvania,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 02/01/13)
Patriot-News: “If lawmakers can get it together to pass Corbett’s plan — and it should be passed — Pennsylvania would finally join the company of states that long ago privatized the sale of alcohol without any of the attendant Sodom and Gomorrah fallout so often cited by opponents.” (Editorial, “Editorial: Now’s the time to uncork booze privatization,” Patriot-News, 02/01/13)
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Pennsylvania has no business being in the business of selling beer, wine and spirits. Period… Gov. Tom Corbett formally announced his plan on Wednesday to get the state out of the business of drink. Hear! Hear! Bravo! It’s about time!” (Editorial, “The business of drink: Not a state function,” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 01/30/13)
Express-Times: “Getting Pennsylvania out of the liquor business, as Gov. Tom Corbett proposes to do, is a good… Legislators have a chance to simplify the lives of their constituents, raise millions of dollars for schools and give this part of the retail economy a shot of adrenaline…Even for those in the Legislature who don’t drink, it’s time to let others do so without the hindrance of a government dictating where they can buy, what and for how much. It’s time.” (Editorial, “EDITORIAL: Legislature should get behind Corbett’s liquor privatization plan,” Express-Times, 01/31/13)
York Daily Record: “It’s time to get the state out of the alcohol sales business and let such sales be a function ‘of the people, by the people and for the people.’ Amen to that… The method of selling alcohol in Pennsylvania must change – it should be put into the private sector, like other states, where sellers compete on price and service… So yes, let’s move ahead with this plan.” (Editorial, “Our take: Yes, privatize alcohol sales, Gov. Corbett,” York Daily Record, 02/01/13)
Bucks County Courier Times: “Call it a two for one: If state lawmakers go along with [Governor Corbett’s] sensible plan to auction off the state’s liquor stores to private owners, Corbett said he’ll invest the resulting billion dollars worth of revenue in our cash-strapped public schools. It’s an offer lawmakers shouldn’t refuse….the big picture is the multiple benefits of privatization to millions of Pennsylvanians, including public school students and their tax-weary parents. It’s a good deal — the sort of good deal Harrisburg rarely offers its citizens.” (Editorial, “State store sell off: Good deal gets better,” Bucks County Courier Times, 02/01/13)
Washington Observer: “We have faith that the free-enterprise system can do a better job of selling legal beverages to the people of Pennsylvania than an arm of the state government, and we would urge lawmakers in Harrisburg, especially those in leadership positions, to either work with the governor to make his proposal reality or, at the very least, get out of the way. The state has been stuck with this Prohibition-era albatross for far too long.” (Editorial, “Corbett’s PLCB plan deserves support,” Washington Observer, 01/30/13)
Delaware County Daily Times: “LAUREL: To Tom Corbett. The governor this week made good on his pledge to get Pennsylvania out of the booze business. We concur…DART: To those, including the [PSEA], the powerful union that represents teachers, who immediately offered a quick thumb’s down. The PSEA loudly nailed the governor for taking kids and education “hostage” to the governor’s political agenda. Funny, they didn’t mention the move could mean as much as a $1 billion for education funding. LAUREL: To the notion, long a pipe dream for Pennsylvanians, of being able to buy beer or a bottle of wine along with your groceries. Corbett has married his proposal to education funding, but to many residents it is simply a matter of convenience and bringing the state out of the dark ages when it comes to alcohol sales.” (Editorial, “Darts & Laurels: Booze, threats and senior aid,” Delaware County Daily Times, 02/03/13)
Altoona Mirror: “Right on cue, the Chicken Littles started crying, “The sky is falling,” as Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled his plan for privatizing alcohol sales in Pennsylvania… It will be an uphill fight to change the way alcohol is sold in the state. But the time is right, and we call on our state legislators to get it done. Don’t worry, regardless of what the Chicken Littles say, the sky won’t fall.” (Editorial, “Corbett booze plan reasonable,” Altoona Mirror, 02/03/13)