State Of The Union: It Is Imperiled

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

What is it that Barack Obama doesn’t get about America, its economy and its people? Considering his continuing fealty to a policy of if at first you don’t succeed, fail, fail again and sheer deception — everything.

The same president who empaneled a “jobs council,” then paid it and the legions of the unemployed lip service, proposes new government jobs programs that will, as before, produce no sustainable employment, pervert market forces, promote increased government dependence and reward cronies in pursuit of a hubristic and fetid national industrial policy.

Additionally and almost incomprehensibly, the president, in a continuing era of runaway debt of his making, wants even more and higher taxes and debt to cover the failures of his last failed interventions.

Then there’s Mr. Obama’s continuing and intellectually dishonest campaign against firearms — never mind that the government has an embarrassing record of failing to enforce gun laws long on the books. Why have a factual discussion when purposeful misrepresentations — think of the phrases “assault weapons” and “gun show loophole” and the demonization of law-abiding citizens — work so effectively to inflame passions?

The state of the union is not strong.

It is imperiled.

Gobbledygook is not governance.

And citizenship requires more than being “sheeple.”

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