Dallas Post
Rep. Karen Boback (R-Luzerne/Wyoming/Columbia) will host her veterans’ assistance hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at her Sweet Valley district office, 5929 Main Road, located off Route 118.
During this event, Boback hosts a claims consultant from the Wilkes-Barre Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) to address questions and concerns of local veterans and their families.
While appointments for these hours are not necessary, it is suggested that a courtesy call be made to 477-3752 as weather conditions will impact attendance.
Some of the services provided at the center for veterans and their dependents include individual, group, family and bereavement counseling, medical referrals, assistance in applying for Veterans Affairs benefits, employment counseling, guidance and referrals and alcohol and drug assessments.
The mobile veterans center features a 38-foot mobile counseling center, two private offices, satellite communication and Internet service with the VA Medical Centers, video conferencing and tele-health capabilities, and is wheelchair accessible.
Read more: http://www.mydallaspost.com/stories/Rep-Boback-hosts-vets-assistance-hours-Jan-15,250968