Can’t Trust Kane: Kathleen Kane Attacks Pennsylvania Energy Industry

Despite natural gas drilling’s well-documented economic benefits and job growth, Kane opposes fracking

HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement highlighting Democrat candidate for Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s hostility towards Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry:

“Pennsylvania has an opportunity to become the energy capital of the United States, but if Kathleen Kane had her way, she would strangle the natural gas industry and eliminate the thousands of Pennsylvania jobs it creates,” Chairman Gleason said.

“The economic benefits of Pennsylvania’s energy industry are well-documented, and Kathleen Kane’s continued opposition towards natural gas drilling simply reveals her hostility towards these family-sustaining Pennsylvania jobs. If we can’t trust Kane on jobs, we can’t trust Kane to be our next Attorney General.”

Kathleen Kane Hostile To Pennsylvania Energy

Kathleen Kane Opposes Fracking, Primary Method Used to Extract Natural Gas

Secondly, I would fight to increase funding for the Attorney General’s Environmental Crimes Unit. Since the discovery of natural gas in Marcellus Shale regions, dozens of companies have descended upon Pennsylvania to extract our resources. Using a process known as fracking, these companies pump unknown chemicals into the ground, poisoning our water and harming our children. As attorney general, I would fight to ensure this process is stopped, and that those companies that destroy our environment are held accountable.

(CANDIDATE VIEWS: Pennsylvania Attorney General. Morning Call. April 12, 2012.)

Kathleen Kane Criticizes Fracking Process

“Since the discovery of natural gas in Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale formations, dozens of oil and gas companies have descended upon our commonwealth to extract their riches from the earth. Using a process called fracking, these companies pump unknown chemicals into the ground, which may poison our groundwater or harm our citizens. We need to make sure that the Attorney General’s Office has the resources necessary to protect Pennsylvanians and our environment from the dangers of fracking and ensure our environment is not destroyed by the natural gas “gold rush” going on throughout our Commonwealth today.” — Kathleen Kane

(Kraft, Randy. Democrats for Pa. Attorney General outline qualifications. WFMZ. April 21, 2012. )

Marcellus Shale Industry Helps Grow Pennsylvania’s Economy

Marcellus Shale industry brings ‘tsunami of jobs’ to Pa.

According to a recent federal report, “The fastest 12 growing occupations in Pennsylvania are all directly related to Marcellus Shale,” said Sue Mukherjee, director of workforce development for the state’s Department of Labor and Industry. The number of employees in the core oil and gas industries in Pennsylvania has more than doubled in the last three years. Mukherjee said the number of new hires who come from within the state has increased to 74 percent.

(Gilliand, Donald. Marcellus Shale industry brings ‘tsunami of jobs’ to Pa.

Patriot News. December 10, 2011.)

Related Industries — Trucking, Cars – Benefit from Marcellus Shale Development

Across the rural swaths of northern and western Pennsylvania, the Marcellus Shale gas drilling industry has created a robust demand for cars — especially trucks — from dealers that typically serve economically stagnant towns and counties. An influx of drillers, contractors and engineers — as well as the tide of locals cashing royalties from the lease of land to gas companies — have managers at car dealerships closing on sales faster than they can restock inventory. “They are everywhere. They are all over,” said Brian Peace, a managing partner at Murray Mazda in Muncy. “There is a lot of money in our area. They aren’t crying anymore. They have CD’s and cash on hand … even the local restaurants. Everybody is doing better.”

(DeJesus, Ivey. Marcellus Shale gas drilling industry creates demand for cars in economically stagnant areas. Patriot News. February 16, 2012.)

Editorial: Marcellus-Related Industries Could Benefit Most From Growth

The economic benefits from natural-gas production will be leading indicators for growth in strategic communities tangential to the footprint of the Marcellus. Businesses that service oil and natural-gas developers, companies that manufacture products requiring significant energy (such as metal fabricators) and firms that provide transportation and logistics services could benefit the most. We see Radnor-based Preferred Sands, for example, becoming a national leader in providing products for natural-gas exploration.

(Bonney, Thomas. Manufacturing’s Keystone: Skilled Labor Inquirer. July 24, 2012.)

Marcellus Shale catalyzing job growth, study finds

Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling has had a measurable effect on Pennsylvania’s economy and could generate more than 200,000 additional jobs by 2020, according to a study released on Monday by Wells Fargo economists. Pennsylvania has added 130,000 jobs since employment bottomed out in February 2010, one-third of them in education and health care, said the report by Wells Fargo Securities’ economics group. The state’s economy is growing faster than it did at any point during the past decade, it said.

(Stuhldreher, Tim. Marcellus Shale catalyzing job growth, study finds. Central Penn Business. March 13, 2012.)

Study: Pa. to lead in job growth from unconventional natural-gas development

A new national study says Pennsylvania, where Marcellus Shale drilling is expanding dramatically, is expected to lead in job growth attributed to unconventional natural gas development… Unconventional gas production supported nearly 57,000 jobs in Pennsylvania in 2010, 13,600 of those directly, according to the study, which projected that the industry would support 111,000 jobs in the Keystone State by 2015, including 26,000 directly. Most of the employment is indirect, through suppliers, or induced through increased economic activity.

(Maykuth, Andrew. Study: Pa. to lead in job growth from unconventional natural-gas development. Inquirer. June 15, 2012.)

Editorial: Pennsylvania Will Become Second Among States in Gas Production

We are at the beginning of a revival of U.S. manufacturing that will likely be a growth engine for the country for decades. Washington County, south of Pittsburgh, for example, is currently the third-fastest job creator in the country as a result of the Marcellus Shale development, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. What’s more, economic forecasting firm IHS Global Insight says Pennsylvania is expected to be second among states (behind Texas) for unconventional gas production in the U.S. by 2020 and experience a job growth rate of 14 percent by 2015.

(Bonney, Thomas. Manufacturing’s Keystone: Skilled Labor Inquirer. July 24, 2012.)

Environmental Safeguards are In Place for Hydraulic Fracturing

Prior to permitting a well, state regulators review the drilling, construction and water management plans and visits the well location. A series of environmental safeguards are required — such as erosion and sedimentation controls, fugitive dust controls, multiple layers of well casing and cement to protect potable water aquifers and water wells — for every natural gas well. Taken together, all of these controls protect surface and ground water resources.

(Water. Marcellus Shale Coalition. Accessed October 8, 2012.)
