Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Serious times require serious people who have not only the courage to formulate serious solutions but the skill to simply enunciate them. Thus, it’s pretty clear why presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan to be his running mate.
It was evident long ago that Mr. Ryan, 42, who has represented Wisconsin in the U.S. House for 14 years, was a rising star. And that star has been propelled by, next to his intelligence, two of his greatest qualities: being forthright about the critical fiscal challenges America faces and trading in one of Washington’s rarest commodities — telling the truth.
Even veteran Democrat hand Joe Trippi, who managed Howard Dean’s presidential run, concedes Ryan is a good pick, not because it gives Democrats rhetorical ammunition but because Ryan helps to perfectly frame the competing visions of governance at issue in this election.
Strategically, Ryan will do much to bring into Mr. Romney’s camp tea partyers not quite sold on the ticket top. Ryan’s independent streak also should attract those critical independent swing voters.
And consider this: Should Romney be elected to two terms, Ryan becomes the party’s presidential heir apparent in 2020. Should Romney lose this fall, Ryan is the heir apparent in 2016. The Romney pick is an inspiring torch-passing moment that surely will serve Republicans and the nation well.