Dave Freed For Attorney General
HARRISBURG — Yesterday, in an op-ed that ran in Allentown’s Morning Call newspaper, Cumberland County District Attorney and candidate for Attorney General, David Freed, yet again came out in support of eliminating statutes of limitations in child criminal sexual abuse cases.Today, leaders from across the state are showing their support of Freed’s leadership on this critical issue.
“As a fellow Pennsylvania District Attorney, far too many criminal child sexual abuse cases cross my desk. David Freed’s leadership in pushing for an elimination of statutes of limitation in these types of cases will empower victims and better arm prosecutors to take down child predators. It’s never been more critical that Pennsylvania elect a seasoned and principled leader to the office of Attorney General.”
– Montgomery County District Attorney, Risa Vetri Ferman
“Justice4PAKids applauds Attorney General candidate Dave Freed’s outspoken efforts to criminally abolish the Statute of Limitations in our great state.”
– President, Justice4PAKids, Maureen Martinez
“Dave Freed has taken the lead on an issue that strengthens and supports the most important resource law enforcement has in child sexual abuse cases: the victim. It’s because of his leadership here and on a host of other issues that I’m supporting him as our next Attorney General.”
– Lehigh County District Attorney, James Martin
“I am in District Attorney Freed’s corner when it comes to addressing the statutes surrounding criminal childhood sexual abuse in Pennsylvania. We need an Attorney General who will fight for victims and make certain that child predators are locked up. David Freed’s insight and leadership on this issue is yet another reason why it’s critical that we elect him to the office of Attorney General this fall.”
– Erie County District Attorney, Jack Daneri
“The importance of this legislation is clear to District Attorney Freed and his early leadership on the issue of criminal child sexual assault is very encouraging. I look forward to working with him next year in the Attorney General’s office.”
– Chairman, House Judiciary, Representative Ron Marsico
Read more: http://davidfreedforag.com/pa-child-advocates-and-law-enforcement-leaders-praise-freeds-leadership-on-sol-issue/