Westmoreland Times
“Thanks to President Obama, we’re struggling with a skyrocketing national debt”
In reference to Governor Tom Corbett’s budget address, Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason said: “Pennsylvania needs jobs, and that’s what Governor Corbett has delivered; a jobs-friendly budget that doesn’t raise taxes and protects taxpayers from government regulation and excess. Building upon the successes of last year, Governor Tom Corbett continues follow through on his promises to reduce the size and cost of government and put Pennsylvania’s finances on a path to fiscal solvency,” Chairman Gleason said.
“Thanks to President Obama, we’re struggling with a skyrocketing national debt that exceeds $15 trillion dollars and national unemployment hovers near 9%. The President’s failed record stems from his inability to curb government spending and protect taxpayers. Governor Corbett is ready to work to fight President Obama’s disastrous example, and for the second year in a row, has put forward a budget that includes no new taxes and a reduction in state spending.
“I join citizens throughout the Commonwealth who are enthusiastically supporting Governor Corbett and applaud his efforts in making the necessary decisions to chart a new course for Pennsylvania. Taxpayers deserve leaders that have the courage to make tough decisions to secure our Commonwealth’s future and Governor Corbett continues to be that steady hand that guides our Commonwealth through these challenging economic times.”