Americans for Tax Reform
Democrats have not fulfilled their basic budget responsibilities since April 29, 2009
When President Barack Obama offers his Jan. 24 State of the Union address, it will mark exactly 1,000 days since the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate has passed a budget. The Senate has not bothered to pass a budget since April 29, 2009.
“The Republican-led House of Representatives passed the Paul Ryan budget that reduced Obama’s spending levels by six trillion dollars over the next decade. The Democrat-controlled Senate has not passed a budget in three years,” said Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist. “When President Obama tries to blame a ‘do nothing’ congress for his problems….he is half right. The Democrat Senate has done nothing.”
The President should be alarmed that as the economy flounders, Senate Democrats have refused to offer significant budget solutions. A serious joint address to Congress must confront the Senate Democrats’ abdication of their duties.