HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania Republican Party Chairman Rob Gleason applauded Republican members of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation that voted in favor of a Balanced Budget Amendment which helps ensure federal dollars are spent in a more fiscally responsible manner.
“Today, Republican members of the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation voted in favor of a brighter future for our country,” said Chairman Rob Gleason. “Our country has long spent more money than it takes in and Republicans have taken a strong stand to infuse fiscal responsibility into a federal government that is out-of-control. Pennsylvanians have said ‘enough is enough.’ Taxpayers have sent that message to their Republican Congressional members and those members relayed that sentiment through their vote on the Balanced Budget Amendment,”
Every Republican member of Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation voted in favor of the Balanced Budget Amendment:
Yea PA-3 Kelly, Mike [R]
Yea PA-5 Thompson, Glenn [R]
Yea PA-6 Gerlach, Jim [R]
Yea PA-7 Meehan, Patrick [R]
Yea PA-8 Fitzpatrick, Michael [R]
Yea PA-9 Shuster, William [R]
Yea PA-10 Marino, Thomas [R]
Yea PA-11 Barletta, Lou [R]
Yea PA-15 Dent, Charles [R]
Yea PA-16 Pitts, Joseph [R]
Yea PA-18 Murphy, Tim [R]
Yea PA-19 Platts, Todd [R]
(H.J. Res 2: Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. From GovTrack.us. November 18, 2011.)
Gleason added, “Republicans like U.S. Senator Pat Toomey and those in the House of Representatives have been at the forefront to fight for fiscal responsibility, standing in stark contrast to President Obama and Senator Bob Casey who can’t seem to kick their addition to massive government spending. Their irresponsibility has led to a downgrade of America’s once pristine credit rating and a federal deficit that has recently exceeded $15 trillion. It’s the Democrat brand of big government spending that has led to a drastic loss in America’s global economic power that forces all of us to pay more. This spending has cost us jobs, plain and simple.
“The Balanced Budget Amendment is a step in the right direction. The key remains electing a Republican President to finally jumpstart our stalled economy.”
In April of 2011, Senator Toomey sponsored a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and was joined with all 47 Republican colleagues in this effort. Senator Toomey said, “A balanced budget is an absolutely necessary condition for the strong economic growth and job creation that, frankly, we were sent here to accomplish,” Toomey said in his first full-bore Capitol news conference. (Fitzgerald, Thomas. GOP senators all back Toomey balanced-budget bill. Philadelphia Inquirer. April 1, 2011.)