HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the news regarding U.S. Senator Bob Casey role as a bundler for President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. A bundler is a person who arranges multipliable contributions from various individuals and PACs.
“Senator Casey and President Obama finally got their story straight and only begins to scratch the surface on an incredibly embarrassing story for both sides. Unfortunately for Senator Casey, the public is smart enough to understand that the truth would not take 12 days to divulge. Last week, Senator Casey’s office said he was a bundler for the President’s campaign. Now, 12 days after the initial report, they are coming out with a different story. Either he bundled campaign dollars for the President or he didn’t!” said Chairman Gleason.
“With a record of supporting the White House’s agenda 100% of the time, it is hard for Senator Casey to distance himself from the disastrous policies of President Obama and his tenacious support for the Campaigner-in-Chief. Whether it was the original Stimulus, Obamacare or the Stimulus, pt.2, President Obama can always count on Senator Casey to be standing right behind him, supporting him every time. Unfortunately, the latest Pennsylvania poll is reporting that only 38% of voters are standing behind the President at the moment. That doesn’t bode well for President Obama or his loyal supporters like Bob Casey.”