Bucks County Courier Times
Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick will be in Doylestown on Thursday to promote legislation that would extend federal land conservation tax credits.
Fitzpatrick will be on hand with several area land conservancy leaders at 1:30 p.m. at Heritage Conservancy at Aldie Mansion, 85 Old Dublin Pike, Doylestown.
Jeff Marshall, chief preservation officer of Heritage Conservancy; Jim Vaseleck, president of Tinicum Conservancy; and Eve Marschark, president of Bedminster Regional Land Conservancy, also will be at the event.
A spokesman for Fitzpatrick said the current tax credit is set to expire at the end of the year. This legislation would extend its life, said Darren Smith.
The legislation gives farmers a tax credit for surrendering the future development rights on their land, he said.
“It allows middle- to low-income farmers to be able to take advantage (of the credit), while still being able to keep the land in productive use,” Smith said.
The House resolution has about 270 co-sponsors, but thus far, is not scheduled to be voted on.