Highlights From Press Conference Call With RNC Chairman Reince Priebus And PA GOP Chairman Rob Gleason On Obama’s Visit To PA

Highlights From Press Conference Call With RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and PA GOP Chairman Rob Gleason On Obama’s Visit To PA


RNC Chairman Reince Priebus:

“[A]bout a year ago, at an event much like the one you’ll see today at Carnegie Mellon University, President Obama announced his “recovery summer”. Now one summer later after the President’s failed policies, like the stimulus, the bailout and ObamaCare, 14 million Americans are still out of work and unemployment remains at an unbelievable 9.1 percent …

“Governor Corbett is doing an amazing job of opening Pennsylvania up for business and job creation. But unfortunately he can only do so much when President Obama’s extreme policies are reigning down all over Pennsylvania and America for that matter …

“The 2012 election will be about one thing, the economy, and Pennsylvania voters already know they can’t afford another year with Barack Obama, let alone another term. Between the President’s extreme policies, the fact that he’s failed on all accounts to turn around the economy …”

PA GOP Chairman Rob Gleason:

“President Obama came to Carnegie Mellon University one year ago to make the case that because of his administration’s policy, things are now moving in the right direction. Today, as we face high unemployment and nearly 4 dollars a gallon for gas, a majority of Americans disagree.

“With plummeting approval rates and a lackluster economy President Obama is returning to Pittsburgh to talk about jobs and the economy once again. But let’s face it, the only job he cares about is his own …

“Take a look at the numbers, since President Obama took office unemployment has reached 9.1%, a 25% increase from inauguration day. We are 14.3 trillion dollars in debt and gas is nearly 4 dollars per gallon …

“President Obama’s failed policies are creating a coalition of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who want to move in a positive direction. As he scrambles to defend his failed record, our Campaigner-in-Chief will probably visit Pennsylvania a number of times. One thing is clear: President Obama may try and reclaim Pennsylvania but the Keystone State will be the key in firing President Obama from the White House.”

Click Here To Listen To The Full Audio: http://www.gop.com/audio/06.24.2011_gleasoncc.mp3
