Rep. Tarah Toohil (R-Luzerne) today issued the following statement regarding Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed budget:
“The budget shortfall and eight years of excessive spending are catching up with state government. Governor Corbett laid out a budget that recognizes that fact and begins to require Pennsylvania government to live within its means just like so many of my constituents do every day.
“As requested by Pennsylvanians, the governor’s budget does not provide funding for so-called walking-around-money grants or WAMs. While I support funding for community projects, these funds have been misused in the past as a tool for re-election at taxpayer expense.
“Although Governor Corbett did not make cuts to the Department of Public Welfare, I am working to enact significant reforms to the welfare system to eliminate the fraud, waste and abuse which impact the state’s ability to serve those who are truly in need.
“I understand that difficult decisions needed to be made in order to create this budget and those decisions may affect my constituents. I encourage any of my constituents whose services are impacted by this budget to contact my office so I can assist them in making sure they receive the aid and support from the state they need and deserve.”
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