Governor Corbett’s Fiscally Responsible Budget Puts Pennsylvania Back On Track

HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason issued the following statement regarding Governor Tom Corbett’s budget address:

“Governor Tom Corbett has done exactly what the voters of Pennsylvania sent him to Harrisburg to do: reduce the size and cost of government and put Pennsylvania’s finances back on the right track,” Chairman Gleason said. “Governor Corbett’s budget puts forward real solutions to eliminate government waste and jumpstart Pennsylvania’s economy, while delivering on his promise to hold the line on taxes.

“This is truly a victory for Pennsylvania taxpayers. Governor Corbett’s budget includes no new taxes, ‘walking around money’ (WAM’s) or earmarks. Governor Corbett’s budget will get Pennsylvanians back to work by reshaping economic development with job-friendly programs like PA First and Partners for Regional Economic Performance. The Governor’s budget also tackles reforms in education and welfare spending to ensure that Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently and effectively to help our children and most needy citizens.

“I join citizens throughout the Commonwealth who are enthusiastically supporting Governor Corbett and applaud his efforts in making the necessary decisions to chart a new course for Pennsylvania. Taxpayers deserve leaders that have the courage to make tough decisions to secure our Commonwealth’s future and Governor Corbett continues to display tremendous leadership.”
