HARRISBURG — Senator Richard Alloway II (R-33) re-introduced legislation today that would expand the Castle Doctrine in Pennsylvania to protect gun owners who act in self-defense.
Alloway’s bill (SB273) would remove the “duty to retreat” clause when an individual is threatened by an attacker in any place that individual has a right to be, including the individual’s home or vehicle. “The bill would provide important protections against criminal prosecution or civil litigation for those who act to defend themselves,” Alloway said.
The General Assembly passed legislation expanding the Castle Doctrine in 2010 by an overwhelming margin, but then-Governor Rendell vetoed the bill. Senator Alloway is hopeful that Governor Tom Corbett, who has served as our state’s top law maker for six years, will show his support for expanding the Castle Doctrine and that we can see this measure signed into law during this legislative session to protect individuals who act in self defense.